Artisan Wood Products for Everyday Use
Clean your grill like a Pro with our handmade Cedar Grill scrapers. Wire grill brushes and scrapers can leave behind dangerous broken bristles. Our grill scraper will clean your grill efficiently and with no risk of metal wires getting stuck in your food!
First Use Instructions:
1. Preheat Grill - to start the grooving process, ensure your grill is hot (we need to burn the custom shape of your grill onto the end of the scraper).
2. Slowly using firm pressure, slide the scraper from front to back on the hot grill. 3. Check progress and repeat until the profile of your grill is properly burnt onto the scraper. Make sure you line up grooves with the cooking grate so you only end up with one set of grooves
Once grooves are formed, high heat is no longer required. Enjoy a safe and tasty grilling season without the risk of metal wires in your food.
Want to create your own? With our custom branding options we can create a special one of a kind scraper just for you.
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We will make your ideas a reality.